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Thursday, 5 September 2013

just a quick notice!

This is just a quick post that I would like to explain what is going to happen this year to do with posting on my blog.

So you might not already know but its getting to this stage now in my high school education where things are going to be buckling down a lot! As I am going into all of my GCSE courses things are going to be different and more difficult so I will have less time to think about my blog.

Now for me I love blogging and I am definitely not going to stop, but I do care more about my education as obviously its more important! So because I want to do really well in all of my subjects, I want to put 100% into all my homework and course work, even if that means only posting once a week. But like I said I still am going to carry on with blogging but the posts will not probably be as frequent!

Also it would be great if you could follow my blog, the button is here on the right hand side >>>
my twitter - Hatterswardrobe
and on Bloglovin' -

Thanks for reading and understanding,
Ella x

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