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Thursday, 7 August 2014

uhm, long time no speak huh?

Its taken me now about half an hour to begin this purely because I don't have a clue how to start, the main reason is because I've been fairly distant from blogging recently and I'm kind of unsure why. Sometimes I think I become so unsure whether or not I have the skills to actually carry out a blog because I feel as if everyones is so much better than mine and nobody actually reads it? and sometimes it because I don't have the time and to be honest I'm not even going to lie...the effort to maintain a blog.

But whilst I was laying on my bed in a dull English morning I was contemplating whether or not I should get back into a routine again ,and well I decided that I should, not only because it takes me away from the boredom on the summer holidays but its a great way to write about what YOU are interested in, whether people are reading or not? Its my little space on the internet.

So, whether you read my blog or not this is just a little update to say that this time I actually will be posting and being active on my blog!

Thanks for reading,
Ella x

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