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Wednesday 21 August 2013

I heart summer tag.

Its getting towards the end of summer here in England so I thought that I just had enough time to squeeze this post in. I really wanted to do the I heart summer tag because summer is my favourite season and as its ending I kind of wanted to evaluate over the summer which I have loved! Hope you enjoy!

1. What's your favourite summer nail polish?

Well I do love a nice pink but I also love a minty green, its a hard one but I think that even putting colours together makes it look really summery and unique!

2. What's your favourite lip colour?

For me I always love a bright pink (been loving chatterbox by MAC) but I recently discovered that subtle oranges also look really summery and cute.

3. What's your favourite summer accessory?

Its got to be a pair of shades, there's nothing worse than having the sun in your eyes!

4. What's your favourite body spray or perfume?

I looooove the Hollister sprays in summer as they are a really fruity, sweet smell but I do also love 'Love Struck' by Vera Wang.

5. What's your favourite thing about summer?

Obviously for me its not going to school and doing lots of work but I also love just chilling and not having to worry about school work. Its been great just waking up when I feel like it and relaxing.

6. What's your favourite summer trends?

My favourite summer trend this summer for the day time has to be a pair of high waisted denim shorts with a cute top, its really casual and looks so cute! Then for a night time outfit I'd have to say a light skater dress with a pair of wedges, looks great!

7. What's your favourite summer snack?

Well this snack I love all year round is Ice-Cream, I am a crazy Ice-Cream lover!! So yes my favourite summer snack, its just so delicious!

8. What's your favourite summer drink?

I'm obsessed with the vanilla cooler from costa, its just so refreshing and delicious!

9. What's your favourite summer song?

Even though I'm not a 'directioner' I love their new song 'Best song ever,' its so uplifting and really gets me in a happy mood.

10. What is your favourite 'I heart summer tag'?

As being a follower of hers on twitter I loved Kayleigh Johnson post on it...
go check it out here

Hope you enjoyed this post, feel free to follow me on twitter...

Thanks, Ella x

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